The conservation and recovery of  Nova Scotia's Coastal Plain Flora is lead, facilitated, and coordinated by the ACPF Recovery Team.  The Team was formed in 1996 with a key task being to develop a Recovery Strategy and Action Plan to identify the problems faced by the ACPF, outline what actions must be done to recover and support the species, and evaluates their effectiveness.  

The ACPF Recovery Team consists of representatives from government, academia, industry, and non-government organizations.  Team members are committed and dedicated to conservation and recovery of ACPF.  They work and volunteer to share their expertise in the development and delivery of ACPF recovery in NS.  The conservation and recovery of ACPF involves more than just the Recovery Team.  It involves community members, land owners, developers, farmers, foresters, industry, non-government organizations, and provincial and federal government departments.


Recovery Team Members:

The following individuals are members of the Atlantic Coastal Plain Flora Recovery Team.

Sherman Boates (Co-chair)

NS Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Division

Samara Eaton


Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada

Sean Blaney

Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre

Mark Elderkin

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Division

Cristi Frittaion

Nova Scotia Nature Trust

Megan Crowley

Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site, Parks Canada Agency

Nick Hill

Dalhousie University

Paul Keddy

Scientific Advisor


Peter MacDonald

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Western Region

David MacKinnon

Nova Scotia Department of Environment, Protected Areas Branch

Julie McKnight

Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada

John Mills

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Western Region

Marian Munro

Curator of Botany, Nova Scotia Museum

Ruth Newell

Biology Department, Acadia University

Jean-Marc Nicholas

Nova Scotia Power Incorporated

Amanda Lavers Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute



The ACPF Recovery Team has developed an ACPF Recovery Strategy to identify the problems faced by these plants and outline what must be done to recover and support the species. The strategy is posted on the Species at Risk Public Registry and a pdf of this document can be viewed here.  This is a comprehensive Multi-Species Recovery Strategy that addresses recovery actions for the suite of 90+ ACPF species in NS.  Often recovery actions will benefit more than one species because many species share common habitats and threats, thus a multiple species approach is both effective and efficient. 


An Action Plan has also been developed and will be posted on the Species at Risk Public Registry in the next year.