Recovery Plan:
The revision of the Blanding's Turtle Recovery Plan was completed January 2003.  The Plan has been submitted to the necessary jurisdictions for review, however for the time being it will be used by the Recovery Team to direct recovery actions now but will be modified as necessary after it has been reviewed.  This document is available here as a PDF file. 
2003 Blanding's Turtle Recovery Plan (1.1 MB)

Communication Action Plan
A Communication Action Plan for the Recovery of Blanding's turtle was completed in December 2003 and will be used by the Blanding's Turtle Recovery Team to guide recovery actions.  This document is available here as a PDF file. 
Communication Action Plan for the Recovery of Blanding's Turtle (900 kb)


Recovery Team
The Blanding's Turtle Recovery Team is responsible for organizing, planning, implementing and evaluating activities that contribute to the recovery and conservation of Blanding's turtle in Nova Scotia. Its members  come from a diverse array of backgrounds and willingly contribute their time and energy to the task.



There are three known populations of Blanding’s turtle in Nova Scotia: one in Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site (KNP), one in a combined provincially and privately protected area complex at McGowan Lake (ML), and one in a working landscape dominated by small private landholdings around Pleasant River (PR).

This diversity presents an array of conservation and management opportunities. Thanks to good science and stewardship, most turtle habitat in KNP and ML is effectively protected from direct human disturbance. Activities over the past three years around the rural community of PR have incorporated research, public education and outreach, allowing science and stewardship to converge

In order to teach people about the turtle we first have to learn about it. This is where science comes in. Providing education for the people often leads to supportive stewardship action from the people. Therefore, science informs researchers, who in turn inform the public, who in turn help the turtles and the places they live, which in turn affects the science and management decisions researchers make!

Public Education and Stewardship in Action

Click on the images below for details

Industry and Government collaborate to protect habitat at McGowan Lake:

Since 1997, the Recovery Team had identified dense seasonal aggregations of Blanding’s turtles at McGowan Lake, in both summer and winter, on and adjacent to Bowater and Provincial Crown lands. Such aggregative behavior makes turtles vulnerable to human and natural disturbances.

On May 21, 2003 Bowater Mersey Paper Company Limited designated a new conservation area to protect critical habitat for Blanding’s turtle at McGowan Lake. The 102 ha “Unique Area” contains important overwintering sites, travel corridors and upland nesting sites. Shortly thereafter, the Province of Nova Scotia, through its Integrated Resource Management Program, designated an additional 790 ha of land around the lake containing or adjacent to critical habitat as C3 (142 ha) or C2 (648 ha). Collectively this has protected the majority of significant known habitat for this population.